About Us

Why we do what we do

We Are purple raven

Purple Raven is a small company built on the experience of seeing small and medium companies struggle to meet the cybersecurity demands of companies today. Our goal is to provide the solutions and services with the security you didn’t know you need to ask your existing IT provider for. We are here to do this for you.

Cyber Enthusiasts

Small & Medium businesses do not have Fortune 500 budgets for Cybersecurity. Purple Raven strives to provide top tier cybersecurity as part of the normal IT services with preparations that keep your business running during difficult cyber-times.

We Keep it simple

We translate tech to general terms so it’s easy to understand how it impacts you. It’s an art we’ve mastered on your behalf so you feel confident in your decision.

we try new things

Our efficiencies are your efficiencies. We monitor for new tech and let you know what makes sense based on first hand experience.

We move with speed

When you need support, we move quickly. Each minute you can’t work is lost efficiency so we are here to quickly respond

We speak up

When we see an opportunity to protect you or improve the way you work, we speak up. Your success is our success and that’s always top of mind.

Operational Resiliency

We Believe In Hard Work And Practical Solutions

Want to be prepared for ransomware or readily able to identify phishing attempts? We want to make this simple for your business.

meet our Small team

Building purple raven

Vincent "Vinny" Cervone

Founder & CEO

Are you prepared for a cyber attack or compliance requirements?

Let's figure it out together


Enjoy the read!